BUFFALO, N.Y. (WIVB) — Parents and community leaders in Buffalo were speaking their minds at the school board meeting Wednesday night.
They’re upset about troubles with transportation as many students continue to wait a long time for the bus. District leaders say they’re working long hours to fix this crisis, but parents are demanding solutions.
“With as many as 60 children on the bus at one time. Many children waiting hours past the time they were scheduled to be picked up and on some occasions, the bus never comes. This is an untenable situation,” said Michael Badger, Buffalo Urban Think Tank.
Buffalo Schools: We’re treading water with school bus driver shortage
“We are aware there is a driver shortage a critical driver shortage situation and we’re working on a daily basis to reduce the number of buses we use to get students to school on a daily basis,” said Cheryl Kennedy, Buffalo Public Schools, director of transportation.
Officials with First Student, the district’s bus company, said this is a national issue.