
Construction Watch: 386 Grant Street

The first structural components are going vertical at 386 Grant Street.  HES Properties III, LLC is building a three-story mixed-use building on a pair of formerly vacant lots.  The 6,000-square foot building will have one commercial space measuring approximately 700 square feet; one accessible apartment unit on the first floor measuring approximately 800 square feet; and four additional residential apartments on the second and third floors, each measuring approximately 950 square feet.

This is the development team’s third project along the Grant Street corridor, joining the complete gut rehab of the former Martino Appliance Store located at 368 Grant Street and followed by the award-winning new building located at 363 Grant Street.

386 Grant will feature complete geothermal heating and cooling, extensive solar panels and two bicycle racks. Six new parking spaces with three EV car chargers are planned behind the building. The site design also calls for new street trees, matching landscape plantings, new sidewalks and new site lighting. The exterior will feature masonry brick, composite wood panels, hardie plank siding, stone sills, anodized aluminum frame storefront windows, and large apartment windows. Studio T3 is project architect.

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