
EcoVerde Organics restarts its food scraps collection service and compost operations

After its initial WNY site didn’t work out, EcoVerde Organics LLC (EVO) has opened a new food scraps collection service and compost operation at 396 Wright Road, Akron.

EVO is in the business of collecting food scraps other organic wastes so that they do not end up in landfills. It is said that “wasted food comprises over 20% of municipal solid waste sent for disposal.”

Not only is that a waste of food and a waste of space, the decomposing foods release gases (including methane) that adversely affect the climate.

The compost generated by EcoVerde eventually makes its way back to gardens and farm crops, which builds healthy soil. It also helps to curb the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, which are harmful to the planet. These are the same fertilizers and pesticides that end up in fresh water ecosystems after rainstorms.

Assets of this new collection service and compost operation include:

Better operating space Is a NYSDEC registered facilityIs convenient to the Buffalo, Niagara and Rochester markets, located just ten minutes from the Pembroke exit of the NYS ThruwayHas building spaceRetains a larger open area than its first siteNow accepts food waste, yard waste, and manure from haulers with any type of truckProcesses larger quantities of material to serve a broader market

“We are excited to get back to our primary focus: producing quality soil amendments like compost that improve soil health, reduce nutrient run-off that causes algal blooms in our waterways, and divert waste from disposal to create valuable products,” said EVO Chief, Warren Emblidge, who founded the business in East Aurora in 2017.

EVO’s new facilities will allow for an even broader reach of compostables (food scraps, select animal manure, and yard waste) from restaurants schools, landscapers, horse boarders, farms, etc. It also helps to facilitate the growth in scraps and compost due to The NYS Food Donation and Food Scraps Recycling Law that went into effect in January, 2022. This law followed in the footsteps of the NYS Soil Health and Climate Resiliency Act, which was signed into law in December, 2021. Together, these laws help to benefit the planet, while providing for valuable upcycled and recycled compost to farmers.

This law requires businesses and institutions that generate an annual average of two tons or more of wasted food per week to donate excess edible food and recycle remaining food scraps if they are within 25 miles of an organics recycler.

For farmers, this is also welcome news, as they will have another resource when it comes to obtaining compost that is beneficial to their crops. Otherwise, they might have to resort to synthetic fertilizers, which have become very problematic. It’s a wonder that the harmful alternatives have not been outlawed, as we are seeing the systematic eradication of pollinators, as well as the proliferation of non-organic crops that are not as healthy for consumption.

Compost improves soil structure and water holding capacity as well as supports life of microorganisms that release nutrients in plant-available forms.

As a way to help with the increase of scrap collections, EVO offers food scraps totes for recycling. The compost facility processes these food scraps with wood chips, leaves, and manure into “future soil.” EVO has established a partnership with Casella Waste Systems, which is a waste hauler in the region.

“We have past customers who have patiently waited for EcoVerde’s compost and are excited to know we are back in production so they can get locally made, quality compost again,” said Katy Duggan, EVO’s Assistant Chief. “Our team is excited to be able to serve their needs.” 

Get connected: EcoVerde Organics

The EVO team may be reached at (716) 209-3166×1 or

EVO will celebrate the opening of its new facility on Saturday, August 20, 2022 from 9:30am – 11:30am, with an Open House for neighbors, local leaders, and others who helped the EVO team achieve this goal.

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