
Loop Design Awards – People’s Choice | Vote for Arch&Type @ Blue Table Chocolates

When Blue Tables Chocolates relocated to Larkinville from the Five Points neighborhood, chocolatier Ben Johnson knew that he was going to want a very distinguishable design for his 780 square foot space. That’s why he reached out to designers Seth Amman and Adam McCullough (Arch&Type), who ended up coming up with a design that would knock the socks off of Johnson, and every customer that would end up visiting the boutique chocolate shop.

The design that Amman and McCullough came up with, based on an image provided by Johnson – of untempered crystallized chocolate, melted, silky, and flowing – might have sounded a bit far-fetched, but in the end the challenge turned out to be the perfect recipe for success.

It was architectural photographer Kim Smith who first notified me that the Blue Table Chocolates Arch&Type project was in the running for the prestigious Loop Design Awards.

“I’m a juror on their design competitions and I can say, the design of Blue Table Chocolates holds up against internationally known architecture firms,” said Smith. “We’re hoping Buffalo will come through for us and vote.”

Photos by Kim Smith

“We’re also happy to share that the project was included in the latest print of Interior Design Magazine. featuring Kim’s photos,” said Amman. “Mostly, I love how this can bring more eyes to Buffalo. We need to keep pushing for better, and better design in our community.”

A short description on the Loop Design Awards page details Arch&Type’s project thusly:

A warm, textural atmosphere emerges through a palette of soft matte white oak balanced by subtle lime-wash paint, large aggregate concrete, mirrored metal, and gold. Brass accents along the casework and wall bases tie into the parametric river ceiling. Together, these elements coalesce into a sort of surplus-quality, augmenting one another as an experienced whole—punctuated, of course, by the sensuous act of biting into a truffle that slowly melts to reveal an equally “surplus” flavor profile.

The rest of the description of the project, along with additional photographs from Smith, and a link button to cast a vote for the People’s Choice award, can be found here. The voting process is super easy, so it should take just a couple of seconds. Please, do it for the team, and for great Buffalo architecture and design.

To learn more about Arch&Type, click here.

To learn more about Kim Smith Photography, click here.

The post Loop Design Awards – People’s Choice | Vote for Arch&Type @ Blue Table Chocolates appeared first on Buffalo Rising.

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