
Participate in the creation of a community-driven, watershed-wide Scajaquada Creek Restoration Plan

Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper is in the process of creating a Scajaquada Creek Restoration Community Advisory Group, and is looking for community members to apply.

The future of Delaware Park, Forest Lawn, and numerous bounding neighborhoods, are significantly affected by the health and wellness of the creek.

With the future of the Scajaquada Expressway in the spotlight, it’s more important than ever to alter the course of the creek, which is finally getting the respect that it deserves after languishing for decades.

Community members are being sought to help guide the creek’s restoration plan, while ensuring that the planning procedure is both transparent and accessible. Anyone living in close proximity to the creek, and/or people who care deeply about its future, are encouraged to participate in formulating a community-driven watershed-wide plan for the restoration of Scajaquada Creek. The newly assembled advisory group will work hand-in-hand members of Waterkeeper.

The plan will:

Serve as a resource for future decision-making by providing an overview of the current conditions and projects along the creek

Advance two projects identified by previous engagement/planning projects with the intention that they could be ready for near-term implementation

Identify additional areas for ecological restoration and revitalization throughout the watershed

To apply to join the Scajaquada Creek Restoration Community Advisory Group (CAG), scan the QR Code below, or visit Forms will be accepted through December 18. The plan will be completed by June 2026. 

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