
Remembering Greg Hinaman of Terror Technologies

I’ll never forget the first time that I met Greg Hinaman, ringmaster of Terror Technologies. I was just leaving a b-boy event downtown when, across Delaware Avenue I spied a group of zombies zigzagging its way down the sidewalk. I rushed over to get a closer look, and couldn’t believe the level of detail that went into the costumes, let alone the over-the-top antics.

Little did I know that that day would be the first of countless encounters with the members of Terror Technologies. It just so happens that as Terror Technologies took to the streets of Buffalo, a national zombie movement was sweeping cinematic theaters. Zombies appeared to be everywhere, clawing and gnawing their way into people’s lives.

The thing that made Terror Technologies different was Greg’s penchant for participating in charitable events. Whether it was a visit to a children’s hospital, or any number of fundraisers, you could pretty much be guaranteed that Terror Technologies was on the scene. Greg lived his life to make others happy. He did this by taking the level of zombie-ness to an entirely next level. Whether it was his ice-blue eyes, the endless amount of blood splatter, or the uncanny amount of stage props that he possessed, no one out-zombied Greg. Actually, there was one person that somehow managed to out-zombie him – Greg’s very own sidekick, Kreepie.

“They say friends are the family that we choose,” said Kreepie (lead image on right, standing with Greg). “And being chosen by Greg was a great moment of my life! Greg put all his heart and soul into anything he got involved in, and was a real hands-on type of guy. I swear he could just about fix anything .. and if he couldn’t fix it, he would use such super-powered ingenuity to make it work. Over the last decade, he has taught me and many others, how to deal with life, while wearing a smile, no matter what adversity was going on – just smile. Greg was so kind, friendly, and always willing to help show you how to do something or how to make it work. He took everyone under his wing. It didn’t matter who you were or where ya came from… you counted in his world. The list of charities, organizations, people, and foundations that he has touched is incredible. And the amount of people that loved and cared for him is nonstop. I’m going to miss my buddy, my brother, my mentor, my zombie leader. But most of all I will miss his smile.”

Losing Greg hurts. He was ever-present in Buffalo’s horror communities – mutant films, Halloween events, haunted houses, etc. He was also there for the more joyful occasions, such as Bisons’ games. You see, there’s something about the juxtaposition of a lovable zombie that appeals to the kid in all of us. There’s nothing quite like seeing an ‘actual’ zombie clamoring down a sidewalk, or rattling a fence. We know that it is fantasy, of course. Most people like the idea of being scared in a controlled setting, unlike the real monsters that we encounter in the news.

The zombies? They were here to help, whether it was a blood drive or a visit to Children’s Hospital. Greg made sure that his ghouls were as authentic as possible, to ensure that everyone had a grand old time. I can’t even imagine how many young lives he and his zombie hoard touched over the years. If Greg could manage to ease the pain of a sick child, by mitigating life’s harsh reality for even a few moments, then his job was accomplished. Greg was also concerned about the elderly. His level of concern for all of his neighbors was limitless.

Greg never wavered. He never second-guessed. He was determined to put a smile on Buffalo’s face, no matter the cost. Even when he was feeling down and out (he was diagnosed with cancer in 2015), Buffalo came first. There are very few people who are able to suspend disbelief effectively – relentlessly – for as long as he did… even as he faced his own demons.

Fittingly, the tagline for Terror Technologies was “We Play Dead So Others May Live.”

This Halloween season will not be the same without Greg Hinaman. Buffalo has lost an unlikely superhero. I’m sure that at this very moment, he is watching over this city, making sure that every Halloween enthusiast is properly preparing for the big day to come. His big day, as ruler of the night and its zombie hoards.

The post Remembering Greg Hinaman of Terror Technologies appeared first on Buffalo Rising.

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